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Abstracts Template



  • Please read the information below
  • Please note all presenters are required to submit an abstract - for both oral and poster
  • Prepare your abstract
  • Then use the link at the bottom of this page to submit your abstract

The conference will be an exciting mix of convened and open sessions.

We are keen to hear more from you all, and invite you to present a

project, innovation or thought leadership piece.  

We have 5 topics linked to the conference theme

 Ka mua, Ka muri | walking backwards into the future

Topics could include, but are not limited to:
  • Working with Nature for Resilient Rivers

  • Kaupapa Māori

  • The Future of Flooding

  • Innovative Solutions for Advancing River Science and Management

  • Stories from the Past



Both presentation types - oral or poster -  are required to submit an abstract

There will be 2 main open presentation options at this year's conference:


Abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be no longer than 500 words

  • Save your abstract (no graphs or images)

  • Copy it into the presentation portal - link below

  1. All abstracts are to be submitted via the presentation portal by 23rd August 2024
    You will be asked to select your preferred presentation type as part of the submission process.
    See submission conditions below.

  2. All presenters will be notified of accepted presentation type (oral or poster) by 10th September.

  3. Poster format - A0 portrait orientation

  4. Please print your poster and bring it with you to conference

    • Poster boards with velcro dots will be supplied at conference 

  5. Posters should be on display throughout the conference (Thurs and Fri) and should be removed following the lunch session on Friday afternoon

  6. Any posters remaining by 2.00pm will be removed and recycled

  7. If you are presenting a 5 min lightning talk, along with your poster, you will need to prepare a printed poster and up to 5 slides to accompany your talk.

  8. If your presentation is selected for oral presentation the length of presentation will be 15mins+5mins Q&A (20 mins total)

  9. All oral presenters will have the option to submit a full paper

  10. If you opt in to submit a full paper this will need to be uploaded, via your presentation portal, by Friday 20 Sept.  Please use the template below for full papers.




Abstract Submission


  • Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • A condition of acceptance is that at least one author presents, in person, at the conference.   

  • The presenting author will be required to register for the Conference to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final programme. The deadline for presenting author registration is 7 Oct 2024. Please note EB rate closes 19 Sept.  Similarly, no speaker fee is paid to authors or presenters.

  • Student Prizes are available to full-time students only, if you qualify and would like to be considered please select this option when submitting your abstract.

  • It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the accuracy of the content, spelling, grammar and formatting of the abstract, as it will be published as it is submitted.

  • By submitting an abstract, you also grant the Committee permission to share the live version of your presentation to other registered attendees, publish the abstract and presentation in the Conference Proceedings in hard copy and/or electronic format.


Notification of acceptance will be sent via email to the submitting author by the 10 Sept 2024.​

The programme committee will endeavour to allocate presentation type (oral or poster) as requested by the author, however final presentation type will depend on the number of abstracts received and total time available in the conference programme.

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